

Why Do I Feel So Confident?    – afformation

This affirmation looks a little strange. It is in the form of a question. It is called an afformation. Noah St. John is the author of afformations. Both affirmation and afformations focus on the positive. The difference is that an affirmation uses a statement and an afformation uses a question.

Why are they called afformations? According to Noah, when we ask questions of ourselves, positive or negative, we are really ‘forming new thought patterns’. The word form comes from the Latin formare, which means to form or give shape to. Hence afformations.

You may not realise that we are using afformations all the time. We say to ourselves things like: “Why am I so stupid?” or “Why am I so anxious?” Many if not most of our affomations are negative. When our afformations are negative, they make things worst for us, like we do even more stupid things and we become even more anxious. To turn things around, why not start using positive afformations.

I have competed in many Toastmasters speech contests. As with other contestants, I feel really nervous before the contest starts. I find that when I say this many times to myself “Why Do I Feel So Confident?” I feel a sense of relief. The reason why it works is that when you act or think as if you are confident, confidence starts to build up in you. It’s like planting a seed; the seed grows into a tree. You have probably heard of the saying “Fake it until you make it!” or “Fake it until you become it!”

Try this afformation the next time you feel anxious because you have to perform in front of others. You will find that it’s magical!

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