

Things Will Work Out Well For Me   – affirmation

Optimism and hope can contribute significantly to our happiness and success. In the ground breaking book Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Coleman states that given the same intellectual abilities, students with optimism and hope tend to do better in their studies based on research. From the perspective of emotional aptitudes, having hope means that one will not give in to overwhelming anxiety or depression in the face of difficult challenges or setbacks.

Optimism means having an expectation that things will turn out all right in life, in spite of frustrations and obstacles. Optimism buffers us from anxiety and depression when we are going through difficult times. Of course, a too-naive optimism can make us unrealistic.

Before we achieve success in an endeavour, we may have to experience failures. According to Winston Churchill Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

People who are optimistic view failure as due to something they can change or as a learning experience. People who are pessimistic ascribe failure to something that they are not capable of changing.

Coleman also states that an optimistic or pessimistic outlook has health consequences. An optimistic outlook aids in the recovery process from an illness. There could be several explanations why this is so. It may be that pessimism leads to depression, which interferes with the immune system. It may also be that optimistic people have better health habits.

Whenever you find yourself starting to worry about something, say to yourself “Things will work out well for me.” Whatever problems you have to solve, you will do better if you stay positive. Solutions come to you more easily and you take things in your stride.

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