

I am thankful for everything   – affirmation

When you are in a positive emotional state, you feel good and everything is easier. Your body responds to emotions. Through the use of Kinesiology (study of muscles and their movement), Dr. John Diamond, author of the book Your Body Doesn’t Lie, made the startling discovery that our muscles would strengthen or weaken respectively in the presence of positive or negative emotional, intellectual and physical stimuli. For example:

  • Emotional stimuli. When you have the feeling of gratitude, your muscles go strong. When you feel hate, your muscles go weak.
  • Intellectual stimuli. When you express a positive statement like “I can do it”, your muscles go strong. When you say “I can’t do it”, your muscles go weak.
  • Physical stimuli. Virtually all classical music and most pop music would make your muscles go strong. Most “metal” rock music would make your muscles go weak.

What was amazing with John Diamond’s research was that the results were repeatable and universal and independent of the subjects used to perform the muscle tests. It would appear that our bodies know what is good for us.

John Diamond found that two of the most powerful positive emotions are gratitude and love. Just by saying “thank you”, our muscles go strong. Likewise if we focus our attention on something we love, our muscles go strong.

In his book Life Energy, John Diamond explains that life energy flows in our body through the energy meridians. Negative emotions restrict the flow of the life energy (we don’t feel good). Over a period of time, the restriction in the energy flow can manifest as illness.

By maintaining a positive emotional state, we keep our life energy flowing unrestricted. We feel good and our positive emotions contribute to good health.

Find at least 3 things that you feel grateful for every day. Maybe it is a kind word from someone, or you have learned a new skill or the weather was just great. You don’t have to try very hard because we have so many things to be grateful for.

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